We were blessed this year to make contact with two Eagle Scouts! When they heard about LTHF and what we do, especially through Her Shoes they were excited to partner with us for the Eagle Scout Project.
T. decided to focus on the foster children's fund and what the kids need when they change homes. He collected 24 duffel bags and over 60 fleece blankets!
S. wanted to collect Christmas gifts for the older boys in foster care. He did 20 bags with games, socks, etc. in them.
It is the smallest acts that can have the most powerful impact. It is the things we do for people we will never meet that can create the greatest impressions. It is hard to imagine that a 16 year old boy only wants new socks and other basic amenities for Christmas, but for kids who have so little, a bag of supplies just for them can make all the difference.
And the impact doesn't only affect those who receive the gifts. The ability to discuss what we do and why we collect these items impacted the scouts as well.
If you have someone who has a service project for a church, school assignment or organization, please let us know!