23 January, 2012


Exciting news.

We are screening Playground on April 11th at Stargazers Theater in Colorado Springs.

Playground looks at the commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) of children in America. It exposes the reality that children are being sold in the United States. American children are being exploited by Americans.

The simple reality is that before a person goes to exploit a child overseas they have exploited a child at home.

So far America has taken the wrong approach on the issue – by criminalizing the children and leaving the root cause untouched. We want to screen the film to start the discussion on CSE and highlight organizations that are doing something to stop it. After the film we will be having a panel discussion with those who see the consequences of CSE every day.

LTHF is seeking to partner with non-profits and local businesses to help bring awareness to the film and start the dialogue on CSE in our community.

There are several ways to get involved:
 Premium Sponsor: $300
·         Ad on all advertising materials
·         15 second ad before film
·         Mention on Stargazer ads for film before event
·         1 full table at event
·         10 free tickets

 Marketing Sponsor: $200
·         Ad on all advertising materials
·         10 second ad before film
·         Mention on Stargazer ads for film before event

 Table Sponsorship: $150
·         Half a table at the event

Sponsorships are due February 15, 2012. 

Tickets go on sale in March through Stargazers Theater.

We are also running a cam
paign through IndieGoGo to help raise funds for the event and help cover some of our initial start-up costs. The campaign runs through the end of June. Head over and send the details to five friends. Help spread the word about LTHF!!