Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
The stats are harrowing. 27 million people (at least!) are currently enslaved and they are sold for less than ever before. It is hidden, and yet isn't. Our assumptions are incorrect. It is not only happening overseas. It is not only individuals brought into the US, Americans are being trafficked. While the data is hard to come by, girls as young as 12 are being sold multiple times a day for sex. It's not only sex trafficking, but labor as well.
Labor trafficking can mean being forced to work in an agricultural arena, it can be domestic work as in being a maid or an au pair. It is forced labor to pay of a "debt." Or it can be being made to work in a sweatshop or even begging (Remember Slumdog Millionaire?).
LTHF is in the fight to end human trafficking. We partner with organizations that work with victims, to help raise awareness and get others involved. We are proud to work alongside other nonprofits in Colorado helping to address and bring an end to trafficking.
Below is a video Restore Innocence did about trafficking.
LTHF collaborates with organizations fighting human trafficking, and other forms of abuse, would you consider partnering with us?