10 December, 2012

Your Contribution

Amidst all the tragedy we need to remember that good things are happening. We need to look and remember that we can make a difference. We need to remember that prayer is powerful and that we can all play a part in what seems insurmountable.

Our Seams project is helping girls reclaim their identity and showcase their talent and tell their story in a way that is comfortable and rewarding to them.

Every day, women get out of abusive relationships and make strides towards a healthy life for them and their children. There are people all along the way dedicated to reaching out, helping, supporting and encouraging those caught in situations of violence.

Each of us has a voice and we can use that voice to tell others. We can say Kasandra’s name when another story about Belcher comes on. We can write news stations and tell them to focus on who Kara is and to not exploit her. We can use situations of tragedy to spread the word and perhaps light the flame of compassion and advocacy in someone else.

We can realize that we can all do something. Reach out to those who are hurting, be a friend to someone we might often overlook, do something kind for those having a hard time, give up some Christmas funds to support an organization doing a Christmas drive for those without. Invite a friend to our meeting tonight so they can learn more.

It starts with one – you – and your reach in unimaginable! You can be the change and we are here to support and encourage you any way we can!