05 May, 2010


They may number as few as 100 men, women and adolescents, but Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) units scattered across the forests of northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo's Orientale Province have sown sufficient terror to make some 318,000 people take flight, abandoning their homes and fields, in many cases to the uncertain sanctuary of urban centres. ... 

(T)he small groups of LRA fighters operate independently of each other and live off the land; that is to say, off the local population's produce and livestock. Since this population has no desire to share what little they have with a rebellion in which they have no stake at all, they are made to leave. ... 

(T)he UN was investigating reports of yet another LRA massacre, in February 2010, in the village of Kpanga. If claims that 100 people were murdered in this incident are verified, it would bring the total number of people killed by the LRA this year to over 500. (via)

Oh the LRA. My heart breaks for what many would assume is over. Just because they aren't in N. Uganda anymore doesn't mean they are gone. 

There is a bill in Congress. "The bill requires that the U.S. government develop a multilateral interagency strategy "to protect civilians from the Lord's Resistance Army, to apprehend or remove Joseph Kony and his top commanders from the battlefield in the continued absence of a negotiated solution, and to disarm and demobilize the remaining Lord's Resistance Army fighters." The bill also calls for assistance to address the humanitarian needs of victims and to rebuild and rehabilitate communities targeted by the LRA." (Enough

You can read more about the bill here.

This is something tangible.         It's something. 

This is a hard one because there isn't an easy answer (though I don't think sleeping outside for a night is a solution). But it is something that must be addressed. 

Kony is a ghost, and it's hard to track down ghosts. No one has seen him in while, but the terror continues. I learned a lot from the IRIN article. It's hard for me because I like to give people something to do. I guess keeping talking about it, become educated, make sure your representative did (or will) vote yes on the bill. Maybe get your local news stations onto this, write a (good) op-ed for the paper. 

There are so many aspects to this conflict - get connected to one. 

I don't know. It just breaks my heart.